A downloadable game for Windows

Noaptea Terorii

(aka Night of Terror)

This project is a submission to the Metroidvania Month 24 game jam. I am new to game development and I entered this jam to challenge myself to learn the systems (somewhat) of a metroidvania in a small time frame. I tried working on it as much as I could after work and on off days. While I learned a lot this game still is very much in development and is mostly for me to learn what it takes to make a metroidvania. 

Currently there is one main area, 1 upgrade to collect (basic double jump), and one item to collect to progress.

No music or sound as of now I didn't exactly get to that yet, but I do plan to keep working on this and by the time for the Mega MVM I should have a more complete build.


Move- A and D

Jump- Space

Sprint- Shift

Attack- K

Controller is also supported

Move- Left stick

Jump- A

Sprint- RT

Attack- X


Character asset - didigameboy

Tileset and mob asset - Anokolisa

Everything else - Me

I have the rights to use both assets I used in this project.


Noaptea Terorii_MVM Classicvania.exe 67 MB

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